• Centre for Epidemic Interventions Research (CEIR) Annual Report 2023 

      Bjørbæk, Mona; Elgersma, Ingeborg Hess; Julin, Cathinka Halle; Elstrøm, Petter; Flottorp, Signe Agnes; Fretheim, Atle; Holst, Christine; Gopinathan, Unni; Munthe-Kaas, Heather Eileen Menzies; Oxman, Matthew Prescott; Rose, Christopher James; Rosenbaum, Sarah Ellen; Solberg, Runar Barstad; Bruun, Tone; Helleve, Arnfinn; Selstø, Annlaug; Oxman, Andy; Lewin, Simon (Report, 2024)
      During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Norwegian Ministry of Health asked the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) to establish a research centre to support decision making in epidemics. The request was directly related ...