Browsing Norwegian Institute of Public Health Open Repository by Title
Now showing items 1554-1573 of 8978
Da vinmonopolet kom til Trysil. En evaluering
(Research report, 2004)Evaluering av hvilke følger etableringen av nytt vinmonopol har for forbruket av alkohol i et grensenært område med lange hjemmebrent-tradisjoner. Evalueringen viser små endringer i det samlede forbruket av vin og brennevin ... -
Dagbehandling for ruspasienter i avhengighetsbehandling – litteratursøk med sortering
(Notat fra Kunnskapssenteret, Research report, 2010-08)NORSK: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten fikk i oppdrag fra Oslo universitetssykehus, klinikk psykisk helse og avhengighet å utføre et systematisk litteratursøk med påfølgende sortering av mulig relevante ... -
Dagkirurgi - toget går nå
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1989-01-10) -
Daily steps and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of 15 international cohorts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Dampness and Moisture Problems in Norwegian Homes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The occurrence of dampness and mold in the indoor environment is associated with respiratory-related disease outcomes. Thus, it is pertinent to know the magnitude of such indoor environment problems to be able to estimate ... -
Dampness and Moisture Problems in Norwegian Homes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The occurrence of dampness and mold in the indoor environment is associated with respiratory-related disease outcomes. Thus, it is pertinent to know the magnitude of such indoor environment problems to be able to estimate ... -
Data in question: A survey of European biobank professionals on ethical, legal and societal challenges of biobank research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Data in question: A survey of European biobank professionals on ethical, legal and societal challenges of biobank research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Data resource profile: Norwegian Databases for Drug Utilization and Pharmacoepidemiology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Data resource profile: the Committee of Nordic Assisted Reproductive Technology and Safety (CoNARTaS) cohort
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
DataSHIELD: an ethically robust solution to multiple-site individual-level data analysis
(Journal article, 2014) -
Deaths after confirmed SARS-CoV-2 in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Deaths Attributable to Air Pollution in Nordic Countries: Disparities in the Estimates
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Decision-support tools via mobile devices to improve quality of care in primary healthcare settings
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Decline in adolescent drinking: Some possible explanations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Declining Trend in Adolescent Alcohol Use: Does It Have Any Significance for Drinking Behaviour in Young Adulthood?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)