Browsing Norwegian Institute of Public Health Open Repository by Author "Gjershaug, Jan Ove"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Assessment of species listing proposals for CITES CoP17. Opinion of the Panel on Alien Organisms and Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Rueness, Eli Knispel; Asmyhr, Maria Gulbrandsen; Endrestøl, Anders; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Måren, Inger Elisabeth; de Boer, Hugo; Hindar, Kjetil; Kirkendall, Lawrence R.; Nagy, Nina Elisabeth; Nielsen, Anders; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Sjøtun, Kjersti; Stenøien, Hans K.; Velle, Gaute; Vandvik, Vigdis (VKM Report, Research report, 2016) -
Assessment of the risks associated with the import and release of hand-reared mallards for hunting purposes. Opinion of the Panel on Alien Organisms and Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety, VKM Report 2017:23
Rueness, Eli Knispel; Cadahia-Lorenzo, Luis; Hoel, Kristian; Søderquist, Pär; Velle, Gaute; Asmyhr, Maria Gulbrandsen; de Boer, Hugo; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Hindar, Kjetil; Kirkendall, Lawrence R.; Nagy, Nina Elisabeth; Nielsen, Anders; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Sjøtun, Kjersti; Stenøien, Hans K.; Vandvik, Vigdis (Research report, 2017) -
Assessment of the risks to Norwegian biodiversity from the import and keeping of aquarium and garden pond plants. Opinion of the Panel on Alien Organisms and Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
de Boer, Hugo; Asmyhr, Maria Gulbrandsen; Grundt, Hanne Hegre; Sjøtun, Kjersti; Stenøien, Hans K.; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Hindar, Kjetil; Kirkendall, Lawrence R.; Nagy, Nina Elisabeth; Nielsen, Anders; Rueness, Eli Knispel; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Velle, Gaute (VKM Report, Research report, 2016) -
Assessment of the risks to Norwegian biodiversity from the import and keeping of terrestrial arachnids and insects. Opinion of the Panel on Alien Organisms and Trade in Endangered species of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Nielsen, Anders; Finne, Merethe Aasmo; Asmyhr, Maria Gulbrandsen; Gjershaug, Jan Ove; Kirkendall, Lawrence R.; Vandvik, Vigdis; Velle, Gaute; de Boer, Hugo; Hindar, Kjetil; Nagy, Nina Elisabeth; Rueness, Eli Knispel; Sandlund, Odd Terje; Sjøtun, Kjersti; Stenøien, Hans K. (VKM Report, Research report, 2016)