Browsing Norwegian Institute of Public Health Open Repository by Author "Storvoll, Elisabet"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
A cohort study on long-term adverse effects of parental drinking: Background and study design
Lund, Ingunn Olea; Bukten, Anne; Storvoll, Elisabet; Moan, Inger Synnøve; Skurtveit, Svetlana; Handal, Marte; Nordfjærn, Trond; Brunborg, Geir Scott; Rossow, Ingeborg (Journal article, 2015)Although many studies have addressed adverse outcomes in children of parents with alcohol abuse/dependence, less is known about the possible long-term effects of more normative patterns of parental alcohol consumption, ... -
A Cohort study on long-term adverse effects of parental drinking: background and study design
Lund, Ingunn Olea; Bukten, Anne; Storvoll, Elisabet; Moan, Inger Synnøve; Skurtveit, Svetlana; Handal, Marte; Nordfjærn, Trond; Brunborg, Geir Scott; Rossow, Ingeborg (Journal article, 2015)Although many studies have addressed adverse outcomes in children of parents with alcohol abuse/dependence, less is known about the possible long-term effects of more normative patterns of parental alcohol consumption, ... -
Alcohol-related sickness absence among young employees: Gender differences and the prevention paradox
Schou, Line Anita; Storvoll, Elisabet; Moan, Inger Synnøve (Journal article, 2014)Few studies have examined alcohol-related sickness absence among young employees, although young adults are known to drink quite heavily. There are substantial differences in drinking patterns between men and women, yet ... -
Alkoholpolitikken og opinionen. Endringer i befolkningens holdninger til alkoholpolitikken og oppfatninger om effekten av ulike virkemidler i perioden 2005-2009
Storvoll, Elisabet; Rossow, Ingeborg; Rise, Jostein (Research report, 2010)Hovedmålet med denne rapporten har vært å beskrive endringer fra 2005 til 2009 i befolkningens (1) holdninger til alkoholpolitikken og (2) oppfatninger om effekten av ulike virkemidler for å begrense alkoholrelaterte skader ... -
Changes in youth gambling after the removal of slot machines in Norway
Rossow, Ingeborg; Hansen, Marianne; Storvoll, Elisabet (Journal article, 2013)To examine whether the ban and complete removal of slot machines in Norway in 2007 may have led to: a) changes in gambling behaviour and changes in prevalence of problem gambling among adolescents, and b) changes in gambling ... -
Everything in moderation? A mixed methods study on perceptions of parents' drinking in the presence of children
Scheffels, Janne; Moan, Inger Synnøve; Storvoll, Elisabet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
Experienced harm from other people’s drinking: a comparison of Northern European countries
Moan, Inger Synnøve; Storvoll, Elisabet; Sundin, Erica; Lund, Ingunn Olea; Bloomfield, Kim; Ann, Hope; Ramstedt, Mats; Huhtanen, Petri; Kristjánsson, Sveinbjörn (Journal article, 2015)This study addresses how experienced harm from other people's drinking varies between six Northern European countries by comparing 1) the prevalence of experienced harm and 2) the correlates of harm. The data comprise ... -
Harm from others’ drinking: How problematic do people with and without experience of harm perceive it to be?
Moan, Inger Synnøve; Storvoll, Elisabet; Lund, Ingunn Olea (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
Is drinking with parents associated with high-risk drinking among adolescents
Pape, Hilde; Rossow, Ingeborg; Storvoll, Elisabet (Journal article, 2015)What are the implications of drinking with parents (DWP) on adolescents' drinking behavior? We expanded the meagre body of research on this controversial issue by assessing the association between the frequency of DWP and ... -
Latent developmental trajectories of episodic heavy drinking from adolescence to early adulthood: Predictors of trajectory groups and alcohol problems in early adulthood as outcome
Brunborg, Geir Scott; Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid; Storvoll, Elisabet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Metoderapport for Skoleundersøkelsene 2004, 2005 og 2006 i tilknytning til SIRUS’ evaluering av Regionprosjektet. Nettrapport
Pape, Hilde; Rossow, Ingeborg; Storvoll, Elisabet (Research report, 2007) -
Overlap in attitudes to policy measures on alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs
Lund, Ingunn Olea; Halkjelsvik, Torleif; Storvoll, Elisabet (Journal article, 2015)Effective alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug policies reduce the harm to users and third parties. Knowledge about determinants and interrelations between attitudes held by the general public to different types of policy ... -
Predicting attitudes toward a restrictive alcohol policy: using a model of distal and proximal predictors
Storvoll, Elisabet; Moan, Inger Synnøve; Rise, Jostein (Journal article, 2014)Previous research on attitudes toward a restrictive alcohol policy has mainly focused on variables such as demographics and own drinking as possible predictors. The present article adds to the existing literature by examining ... -
Regionprosjektet – Nyttig forebygging? Evalueringen av et pilotprosjekt om lokalbasert rusforebygging
Baklien , Bergljot; Pape, Hilde; Rossow, Ingeborg; Storvoll, Elisabet (Research report, 2007)Denne rapporten handler om evaluering en av Regionprosjektet. Prosjektet var en del av Bondevik II-regjeri ngens handlingsplan mot rusmiddel- problemer (2003-2005). Slik vi har tolket Handlingsplanen, var hovedmål- settingen ... -
Skader og problemer forbundet med bruk av alkohol, narkotika og tobakk
Storvoll, Elisabet; Rossow, Ingeborg; Moan, Inger Synnøve; Norstrøm, Thor-Arvid; Scheffels, Janne; Lauritzen, Grete Ostling (Research report, 2010)usmiddel- og tobakksbruk er forbundet med et bredt spekter av helseskader og sosiale problemer. Rapporten beskriver noen av de vanligste skadene og problemene knyttet til bruk/misbruk av de tre substansene alkohol, narkotika ... -
Utviklingstrekk på rusmiddelfeltet : Grunnlagsmateriale til regjeringens stortingsmelding om rusmiddelpolitikken
Skretting, Astrid; Storvoll, Elisabet; Rise, Jostein; Lauritzen, Grete Ostling; Snertingdal, Mette Irmgard; Amundsen, Ellen Johanna; Skjælaaen, Øystein; Østhus, Ståle; Bye, Elin Kristin; Rossow, Ingeborg; Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line; Hordvin, Odd; Olsen, Hilgunn (Research report, 2011)Underlagsmateriale til ny stortingsmelding I forbindelse med den kommende stortingsmeldingen om rusmiddelpolitikken, fikk SIRUS i oppdrag fra Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet å bidra med en oppsummering og analyse av nasjonale ...