Barn med bronkial obstruksjon i allmennpraksis. Behov for bedre oppfølging.
Original version
Tidsskrift for den Norske lægeforening 1992, 112 (5):625-7Abstract
Early diagnosis and adequate follow-up routines are important in giving children with bronchial asthma good care and treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate how children with bronchial obstruction and possible asthma were detected and treated in general practice. Children with bronchial obstruction (78) were registered in two municipalities in Nord-Trøndelag county, Norway. The data were supplemented by data from children with asthma (392) describing the situation before they received the diagnosis. In regard to frequency of symptoms and symptoms without infection, too few reported having bronchial asthma. Most children with repeated contacts because of bronchial obstruction had been examined by different doctors, and only seldom was a follow-up appointment made. Not all children with bronchial asthma had been referred to a paediatrician. The study shows that follow-up routines for children with bronchial obstruction are inadequate.