Rutinemessig ultralydundersøkelse i svangerskapet
Original version
Rapport fra Kunnskapssenteret 11/2008Abstract
Routine ultrasound in pregnancy
The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services was asked to evaluate the
clinical effect and the diagnostic value of routine ultrasound in the first, second and
third trimester of pregnancy. Today all women are offered an ultrasound in the 17th to
19th week of pregnancy. This routine ultrasound offer information on estimation of term,
number of foetuses, detection of placenta praevia and detection of structural
abnormalities and foetal develpoment. Based on the research literature we found no
additional evidence in favour of introducing additional routine ultrasound in the first
trimester (week 11 to 14) or in the third trimester (week 32 til 34) of pregnancy. However,
an effect of introducing an early ultrasound is the information it gives if investigating
foetuses for increased risk for chromosome abnormalities. If this is the aim, the early
ultralsound combined with serum markers is the most effective test. Combined
ultrasound and serum markers early in pregnancy give better indication for finding
foetous at increased risk for chromosome abnormalitites (and therefore fewer
miscarriages due to amniosenteces) than testing based on mothers’ age.
Based on our review of the included literature, there does not seem to be any important
differences between ultrasound in the first or second trimester with respect to term
estimation. When it comes to twin pregnancies, ultrasound in the first trimester will
provide added information about mono- or dichorionic placentas. Ultrasound with
measurement of nuchal translucency (NT) in week 11+0 to 13+6 supplied with maternal
blood tests (CUB), is effective in terms of finding foetuses at increased risk of Down’s
syndrome and is associated with a higher sensitivity than ultrasound in second trimester
or risk assessment based on maternal age. Severe structural abnormalities (with normal
chromosomes) are more effectively detected in the second trimester. There does not
seem to be any evidence in favour of routine ultrasound in the third trimester of
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pregnancy as an addition to ultrasound in the first and/or second trimester on health
Ultrasound is offered to all pregnant women in weeks 17 to 19 of pregnancy and has a
high uptake which indicates that women are in favour of it. Based on the literature
included, it does not seem to be the case that screening programmes in the first or
second trimester increase levels of anxiety or worries. For women who experience
positive findings (increased risk for abnormalities) the level of anxiety increases.
Although further investigations or diagnostic tests indicate that the finding was ”false
positive”, these women will continue to suffer from a higher level of anxiety than other
pregnant women throughout the pregnancy. Newer studies indicate that women are well
informed about routine ultrasound in pregnancy, but there are challenges when
informing about nuchal translucency (NT) and serum markers.
Ultrasound is part of routine antenatal care in Norway and is offered from the 17th to
the 19th week of pregnancy. Norwegian clinicians do not define the routine ultrasound
as a screening test (Consensus report of 1995), however, in international literature it is
often defined as such. The offer of routine ultrasound is based on womens’ choice. When
clinicians and health authorities discuss the option of introducing more routine
ultrasound scans in routine practice, they might consider the extension programme in
view of requirements that are important in population screening programmes. These
include documentation of diagnostic precision, effect of interventions, as well as
information about the screening test and how findings are handled.
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health ServicesSeries
Rapport fra Kunnskapssenteret11/2008
Report from NOKC