Vaksiner mot humant papillomavirus (HPV). Etiske aspekter ved innføring av profylaktiske HPVvaksiner
Original version
Rapport fra Kunnskapssenteret 22/2008Abstract
KEY MESSAGES: Ethical challenges with implementing prophylactic vaccines against human
papilloma virus (HPV)
Background: About 300 women get cervix cancer and about 100 die from cervix
cancer every year in Norway. Cervic cancer is primarily caused by continuous infection
with human papilloma virus (HPV), and over 120 strains of HPV have been
identified. About 14 of these are are oncogenic. HPV-16 and HPV-18 can be found in
about 70% of of the women with cervix cancer. Most HPV infections will cease by
themselves, but where the infections persist, there is an increased risk for cellular
changes. There exist vaccines against HPV 16/18, but there is yet no evicence that
the vaccine is effective against cervical cancer. This has incited fierce debates on
whether to introduce the HPV vaccine in national or statewide vaccination programs.
This report aims at highlighting and discussing the moral aspects that are
relevant for the decisionmaking process with regards to HPV vaccine.
Method: The report uses a method developed for addressing ethical issues in health
technology assessments (HTAs) that discusses central moral questions related to
health interventions. The aim is not to give unequivocal answers to the questions,
but rather to elucidate arguments and aspects that are important for decision makers
and stake holders.
Results: The potential utility of HPV 16/18 vaccination is considerable, but morally
challenging, as the real impact of HPV vaccination on cervical cancer is not known,
and the vaccine is costly. Vaccination is an intervention towards healthy people, calling
for special attention, especially as there is conciderable uncertainty about its effects
and side effects. It is challenging to assess future utility of potential prophylactic
interventions against the utility of health interventions today. HPV vaccine of
children is also challenging with respect to informed consent. Informing the public
and potential persons to receive the vaccine appears to be a considerable challenge.
Conclusion: HPV vaccination can potentially save 40 women from getting cervix
cancer every year and 13 from dying, but there is no evidence for this, and vaccination
is costly. That raises a series of morally challenging issues that are important to
address when deciding whether to implement the vaccine or not (and how to implement
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health ServicesSeries
Rapport fra Kunnsskapssenteret22/2008
Report from NOKC