Effect of, and experiences with interventions for young people exposed to forced marriage or honour-related violence: A systematic literature search with sorting
Key message
The unit for Social Welfare Services in the Division for Health Services at the Norwegian Institute for Public Health was commissioned by The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs to identify empirical research on the effect of and experiences of interventions for young people exposed to forced marriage or honour-based violence.
We conducted a systematic literature search of relevant databases. In September 2017, an Information Retrieval Specialist designed and conducted the systematic search. Two researchers screened all titles and abstracts to identify references that met pre‐defined inclusion criteria.
We did not identify any empirical research on the effect of or experiences of interventions for young people who have been exposed to forced marriage or honour-based violence.
There is a clear need for research on the effect of, and experiences with interventions for young people who have been exposed to forced marriage or honour-based violence.