The Drug Situation in Norway 2012. Annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction – EMCDDA
Original version
The Drug situation in Norway. 87 p. Statens institutt for rusmiddelforskning, 2012Abstract
Legal frameworkThe Coordination Reformentered into force on 1January 2012. It will be gradually introducedover the course of the next four years. As anoverriding framework, the reform is importantin relation to drug and alcohol policy. The goal isto achieve better and more coherent health ser-vices through improved coordination of the pri-mary and specialist health services. The mostimportant legislative amendments relating to theCoordination Reform are:•A new Public Health Act, which gives themunicipalities greater responsibility forprevention and health-promoting work in allsectors of society•A new joint act relating to municipal healthand care servicesDrug driving limits setWith effect from 1 February 2012, the Stortingintroduced ‘drug driving limits’ for 20 narcoticsubstances and potentially intoxicating medici-nal drugs. Norway thereby became the firstcountry in the world to set legal and sentencinglimits for substances other than alcohol.The amendments to theRoad Traffic Actenteredinto force on 22 July 2012. Among other things,the amendments are intended to ensure greateragreement between the Road Traffic Act’s provi-sions on drink driving and the regulation ofdriving under the influence of other intoxicatingor narcotic substances. SIRUS er norsk kontaktpunkt for EUs narkotikabyrå, EMCDDA. Alle medlemslandene i EMCDDA utarbeider hvert år en nasjonal rapport over narkotikasituasjonen etter felles retningslinjer. Rapporten omhandler data på bred basis og ny forskning på området, sammen med de viktigste endringene innen politikk, forebygging, behandling og skadereduksjon samt narkotikarelatert kriminalitet.
Dataene er i hovedsak fra 2011, mens teksten er oppdatert frem til senhøsten 2012. I årets rapport er det to nyskrevne spesialtemaer: Residental treatment for drug users av Astrid Skretting (SIRUS)og Key features of Oslo’s drug policy av Arne Schanche Andresen (Kompetansesenteret rus , Oslo kommune). Rapporten utgis kun på engelsk.