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dc.contributor.authorBragstad, Karoline
dc.contributor.authorPaulsen, Trine Hessevik
dc.contributor.authorTønnessen, Ragnhild
dc.contributor.authorKlüwer, Birgitte
dc.contributor.authorRydland, Kjersti Margrethe
dc.contributor.authorAune, Torstein
dc.contributor.authorHungnes, Olav
dc.description.abstractSummary  There was no influenza outbreak in Norway during 2020-2021.  The proportion of influenza-like illness (ILI) never exceeded the epidemic threshold.  No outbreaks of influenza in health care institutions were reported.  The numbers of influenza hospitalisations and ICU admissions were very low.  All-cause mortality was within expected levels or below.  Only 20 sporadic cases of influenza were detected out of 155,198 analyses during the season. Of these, 7 were A(H3N2), 2 A(H1N1), 8 B (not genotyped) and 3 B/Victoria. No B/Yamagata lineage viruses were detected.  The influenza A(H3N2) viruses belonged to the 3C.2a1b/159N subgroup of viruses and were characterised to be genetically similar to the antigenic different group of viruses like A/Bangladesh/100009/2020.  The influenza B-cases belonged to the B-Victoria lineage (162-164) and the antigenic different group of viruses originating from West Africa.  The H1N1 viruses belonged to 6B.1A/183P-7.en
dc.description.abstractHovedbudskap • Influensautbruddet i Norge uteble sesongen 2020-2021. • Andelen influensalignende sykdom overskred aldri utbruddsterskelen. • Det var ingen rapporterte utbrudd av influensa i helseinstitusjoner. • Antallet sykehusinnleggelser og intensivinnleggelser med influensa var uvanlig lavt. • Totaldødeligheten i Norge var på forventet nivå eller lavere. • Det var høy oppslutning rundt vaksinasjonsprogrammet. Antallet distribuerte doser økte med 33 % fra sesongen 2019/20. • Bare 20 tilfeller av influensa ble påvist i Norge i løpet av sesongen av totalt 155.196 prøver analysert. • Disse var 7 A(H3N2), 2 A(H1N1), 8 influensa B ikke varianttypet og 3 B/Victoria. Ingen B/Yamagata ble påvist. • Influensa A(H3N2) virusene tilhørte den genetiske undergruppen 3C.2a1b/159N og ligner de antigent forskjellige A/Bangladesh/100009/2020 virus. Influensa B tilhørte B-Victoria linjen med trippeldelesjonen (162-164) og er vist å ligne de antigent forskjellige influensa B-virus fra Vest Afrika. Influensa A(H1N1) virusene tilhørte den genetiske gruppen 6B.1A/
dc.publisherNorwegian Institute of Public Health, Division of Infection Control and Environmental Health, Department of Virology, Department of Infection Control and Vaccines
dc.subject.meshViral Vaccinesen
dc.subject.meshInfluenza Vaccinesen
dc.subject.meshInfluenza, Humanen
dc.subject.meshEpidemiological Monitoringen
dc.subject.meshGeographic Mappingen
dc.subject.meshEpidemiologisk overvåkingno
dc.titleInfluenza Virological and Epidemiological season report prepared for the WHO Consultation on the Composition of Influenza Virus Vaccines for the Southern Hemisphere 2022
dc.typeResearch report

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