Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin - SIRUS by Title
Now showing items 172-191 of 203
The Drug situation in Norway 2005
(Research report, 2005) -
The Drug situation in Norway 2006
(Research report, 2006)Main trends and developments Policies/strategies/organisation With effect from 17 October 2005, the Minister of Health and Care Services has overall responsibil- ity for coordinating drug and alcohol policy. In October ... -
The Drug Situation in Norway 2007. 2007 NATIONAL REPORT (2006 data) to the EMCDDA
(Research report, 2007)Epidemiology Drug use among young people Two surveys in 2006, both conducted in the same manner, one among the 15-20 age group, and one among young adults aged 21-30 showed major differences both in terms of both lifetime ... -
The Drug Situation in Norway 2008 Annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction – EMCDDA
(Research report, 2009)Main findings National policies and context A temporary Act relating to injection rooms ap- plies until 16 December 2009. On 31 October 2008, a consultation proposal was distributed in which it is proposed to make the Act ... -
The Drug situation in Norway 2009
(Research report, 2010)National policies and context On 15 June 2009, the Norwegian parliament decided to make the temporary Act relating to injection rooms permanent. The injection room scheme will serve as a supplement in an overall chain of ... -
The Drug Situation in Norway 2010. Annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction - EMCDDA
(Research report, 2010)Summary–main findings. Legal framework A new framework consisting of regulations and guidelines for opioid substitution treatment of heroin addicts, as laid down in the Act relating to specialist health services, entered ... -
The Drug Situation in Norway 2011 : Annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction - EMCDDA
(Research report, 2011)Decline in the use of cannabis The most recent survey among the general population was carried out in 2009. A surprising matter in that survey was the relatively strong decrease since 2004 in the proportion that had used ... -
The Drug Situation in Norway 2012. Annual report to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction – EMCDDA
(Research report, 2012)Legal framework The Coordination Reform entered into force on 1 January 2012. It will be gradually introduced over the course of the next four years. As an overriding framework, the reform is important in relation to drug ... -
The Drug Situation in Norway 2014
(Research report, 2015)SIRUS er norsk kontaktpunkt for EUs narkotikabyrå, EMCDDA. Alle medlemslandene i EMCDDA utarbeider hvert år en nasjonal rapport over narkotikasituasjonen etter felles retningslinjer. Rapporten omhandler data på bred basis ... -
The hole in the doughnut: a study of police discretion in a nightlife setting
(Journal article, 2014)Policing is permeated by situations in which discretion is most important. A substantial part of police work in the nightlife setting involves management of drunk and disorderly patrons, and police officers operate with ... -
The introduction of smoke-free hospitality venues in Norway. Impact on revenues, frequency of patronage, satisfaction and compliance. Evaluation of public tobacco control work in Norway 2003 - 2007 Report 8 from HEMIL/SIRUS
(Research report, 2006)1.1 Background After 16 years of exceptions from §6 of the Act relating to prevention of the harmful effects of tobacco, the so-called Tobacco Act, a smoke-free regime was introduced at all hospitality venues from 1 June ... -
Tilbakeføringsgarantien som smuldret bort: Mellom kriminalomsorg og kommunale tjenester. Tiltaksbro, systematikk eller tilfeldighet?
(Research report, 2015)Rapporten omhandler tiltak ved løslatelse fra fengsel. Den følger broen fra tilbud i fengslene over til tiltakene som består av velferdstjenester fra offentlig og privat sektor etter løslatelse. Tilbakeføringsgarantien ... -
Tilbud til barn av foreldre med rusmiddelproblemer
(Research report, 2006)SIRUS-rapport nr. 1 2006 "Tilbud til barn av foreldre med rusmiddelproblemer" (S olbakken B. H. & Lauritz e n G.) er den andre av to delrapporter som er skrevet etter oppd rag fra Barne- og familiedepartementet. Del r apport ... -
Tiltak for å begrense alkoholrelaterte skader og problemer
(Research report, 2010)Alkoholrelaterte skader og problemer favner vidt og berører mange og ofte i alvorlig grad. Å begrense alkoholens skadevirkninger er derfor en viktig oppgave. I denne rapporten rettes søkelyset mot de viktigste tiltakene ... -
Tobacco Harm Reduction in the real world: has the availability of snus in Norway increased smoking cessation?
(Journal article, 2013)In Norway, snus (low nitrosamine smokeless tobacco) is allowed to compete with cigarettes for market share, and over the past decades the prevalence of snus users has increased as the prevalence of smokers has decreased. ... -
Tobakk- og rusmiddelbruk blant unge voksne i Norge. Hovedfunn fra en spørreundersøkelse foretatt i 2010 blant 18-30åringer
(Research report, 2011)31 prosent i aldersgruppa 18-30 år snuser daglig eller av-og-til, mens tilsvarende tall for røyking er 25 prosent, og kun 12 prosent røyker daglig. Det er flest menn blant storforbrukerne av alkohol, og menn drikker seg ... -
Tobakksavgiften som helsepolitisk styringsinstrument
(Research report, 2005) -
Tobakksfritt samfunn eller skadereduksjon? Hvilken målsetting tjener de gjenstående røykerne?
(Research report, 2009)Hvis målet er å utjevne sosiale forskjeller i helsestatus, bør framtidens tobakksforebyggende politikk ta i bruk skadereduksjon som en strategi. Visjonen om et tobakksfritt samfunn bør ikke stå i veien for å redusere ...