Publikasjoner fra Cristin - SIRUS: Nye registreringer
Viser treff 21-40 av 203
The collectivity of drinking cultures: is the theory applicable to African settings?
(Journal article, 2013)Skog's theory of collective drinking behaviour implies that countries with a strict informal social control of drinking alcohol would not exhibit ‘collective displacement' of consumption (a linear association between ... -
Is cannabis a gateway to hard drugs?
(Journal article, 2010)The gateway hypothesis proposes that use of cannabis directly increases the risk of consuming hard drugs. We test this controversial, but influential, hypothesis on a sample of cannabis users, exploiting a unique set of ... -
The distribution and role of causal beliefs, inferences of responsibility, and moral emotions on willingness to help addicts among Norwegian adults
(Journal article, 2014)The purpose of this study was to explore the distribution and role of causal beliefs, inferences of responsibility, and moral emotions on deservingness of help to addicts among Norwegian adults using the social motivational ... -
The collectivity of drinking cultures: is the theory applicable to African settings?
(Journal article, 2013)Skog's theory of collective drinking behaviour implies that countries with a strict informal social control of drinking alcohol would not exhibit ‘collective displacement' of consumption (a linear association between ... -
Europeisk narkotikarapport 2015: trender og utvikling. Rapport fra EUs narkotikabyrå (EMCDDA)
(Research report, 2015)EUs narkotikabyrå har endret formen på sin rapportering om narkotikasituasjonen i Europa. Den årlige oversikten over narkotikasituasjonen kommer nå i en mer aktuell, interaktiv og sammenlenket informasjonspakke. Hovedelementet ... -
Associations between human values and alcohol consumption among Norwegians in the second half of life
(Journal article, 2015)Previous studies investigating human values and alcohol consumption have focused on adolescents, so the current study examined associations between human values and alcohol consumption in a cohort of Norwegians in the ... -
Europeisk narkotikarapport 2014: trender og utvikling. Rapport fra EUs narkotikabyrå (EMCDDA)
(Research report, 2014)EUs narkotikabyrå har endret formen på sin rapportering om narkotikasituasjonen i Europa. Den årlige oversikten over narkotikasituasjonen kommer nå i en mer aktuell, interaktiv og sammenlenket informasjonspakke. Hovedelementet ... -
Is drinking with parents associated with high-risk drinking among adolescents
(Journal article, 2015)What are the implications of drinking with parents (DWP) on adolescents' drinking behavior? We expanded the meagre body of research on this controversial issue by assessing the association between the frequency of DWP and ... -
“Girls will be served until you have to carry them out”: Gendered serving practices in Oslo
(Journal article, 2015)Research on heavy drinking among women implies that this behaviour is deviant and criticised by society, which would suggest that intoxicated women are more likely than men to be denied alcohol at drinking establishments. ... -
Drug-related causes of death: Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the deceased
(Journal article, 2015)The aim of this study was to describe subgroups of those who died from a drug-related cause of death employing demographic and socioeconomic data. A total of 1,628 persons with registered drug-related deaths in the Norwegian ... -
Rusmidler i Norge 2013
(Research report, 2014)Øvrige bidragsytere: Ellen J. Amundsen, Ola Røed Bilgrei, Kristin Buvik, Marit Edland-Gryt, Odd Hordvin, Elisabeth Kvaavik, Grethe Lauritzen, Ingeborg Lund, Marianne Lund, Thomas Anton Sandøy, Janne Scheffels, Øystein ... -
Narkotikautløste dødsfall
(Research report, 2015)Dødsfall som direkte skyldes inntak av narkotiske stoffer (narkotikautløste dødsfall) er en undergruppe av alle dødsfall blant brukere av narkotiske stoffer. Omfang og trender i narkotikautløste dødsfall gir en indikasjon ... -
Tilbakeføringsgarantien som smuldret bort: Mellom kriminalomsorg og kommunale tjenester. Tiltaksbro, systematikk eller tilfeldighet?
(Research report, 2015)Rapporten omhandler tiltak ved løslatelse fra fengsel. Den følger broen fra tilbud i fengslene over til tiltakene som består av velferdstjenester fra offentlig og privat sektor etter løslatelse. Tilbakeføringsgarantien ... -
Perceptions of relative risk of disease and addiction from cigarettes and snus
(Journal article, 2014)The public is largely unaware of the lower global risk associated with snus compared to that of cigarettes, but little is known of perceptions of relative risks for specific diseases. Inveterate, daily and non-daily smokers’ ... -
Use and barriers to use of screening and brief interventions for alcohol problems among norwegian general practitioners
(Journal article, 2010)To investigate the use and the obstacles to use of screening and brief interventions (SBI) for alcohol misuse among Norwegian general practitioners (GP). A questionnaire with 68 questions about the use and barriers to use ... -
Sigaretter, snus og status: om livstilssforskjeller mellom brukergrupper av ulike tobakksprodukter
(Journal article, 2013)Røyking har i løpet av noen tiår gått fra å være en utbredt vane til å bli en avvikerhandling, og dagens tobakkspolitikk preges av løpende denormalisering av alle former for tobakksbruk. Likevel fortsetter mange å bruke ... -
Fear appeals in advanced tobacco control environments: the impact of a National Mass Media Campaign in Norway
(Journal article, 2013)Norway has one of the most comprehensive infrastructures for tobacco control in the world and has launched several media campaigns recent years. Can yet another anti-smoking campaign, using fear appeal messages, have an ... -
Narkotikastraffens verdiregnskap
(Journal article, 2009)Straff er påføring av lidelse og krever en moralsk begrunnelse. Skjælaaen drøfter i artikkelen om dagens strenge narkotikastraffer kan forsvares ut fra etiske teorier, og har et særlig fokus på teorier som legger vekt på ... -
Norsk rusmiddelforskning - styrt eller styrende?
(Journal article, 2010)Bakgrunnen for Bakliens artikkel er en debatt om avkriminalisering av cannabis som startet høsten 2009. Her ble SIRUS anklaget for å ha vært unnvikende når det gjelder å ta tak i narkotikapolitiske spørsmål. Forklaringen ... -
Premeditated automaticity: the role of explicit cognition in the development of obsessive smoking
(Journal article, 2010)Abstract The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of explicit cognitions in relation to the development of obsessive smoking passion. Data derives from a longitudinal internet survey conducted among 939 ...