Browsing Norwegian Institute of Public Health Open Repository by Author "Bøe, Knut Egil"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
A review on the use of electric devices to modify animal behaviour and the impact on animal welfare. Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Mejdell, Cecilie Marie; Basic, Dean; Bøe, Knut Egil (VKM Report, Research report, 2017) -
Comments on: The opinion of the Agence française de sécurité sanitaire (Afssa) on changes to the control measures for sheep and goat herds in which a case of classical or atypical scrapie has been detected. Opinion of the Panel on Biological Hazards & Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Rimstad, Espen; Håvarstein, Leiv Sigve; Kapperud, Georg; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Nesbakken, Truls; Robertson, Lucy Jane; Skjerve, Eystein; Wasteson, Yngvild; Bøe, Knut Egil; Arnemo, Jon Martin; Braastad, Bjarne Olai; Fossum, Kåre; Hjeltnes, Brit Kristine; Håstein, Tore; Juell, Jon-Erik; Valle, Paul Steinar; Waagbø, Rune (VKM Report, Research report, 2007) -
Comparison of organic and conventional food and food production Overall summary: Impact on plant health, animal health and welfare, and human Health. Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Alexander, Jan; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Arukwe, Augustine; Bernhoft, Aksel; Bøe, Knut Egil; Haugen, Margaretha; Källqvist, Torsten; Krogdahl, Åshild; Lassen, Jørgen Fr; Næss, Bjørn; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Sundheim, Leif; Torrisen, Ole; Hemre, Gro Ingunn (VKM Report, Research report, 2014) -
Comparison of organic and conventional food and food Production. Part I: Plant health and plant production
Sundheim, Leif; Hofsvang, Trond; Magnusson, Christer; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Brandsæter, Lars Olav; Brodal, Guro; Remberg, Siv Fagertun; Uhlen, Anne Kjersti; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Arukwe, Augustine; Bernhoft, Aksel; Bøe, Knut Egil; Haugen, Margaretha; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Krogdahl, Åshild; Källqvist, Torsten; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Næss, Bjørn; Rafoss, Trond; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Sletten, Arild; Solheim, Halvor; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Torrissen, Ole; Tronsmo, Anne Marte; Økland, Bjørn Inge; Alexander, Jan (VKM Report, Research report, 2014) -
Comparison of organic and conventional food and food production. Part II: Animal health and welfare in Norway
Bøe, Knut Egil; Bernhoft, Aksel; Hansen, Inger; Hoel, Kristian; Moe, Randi Oppermann; Seehus, Siri Christine; Svihus, Birger; Whist, Anne C; Østerås, Olav; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Arukwe, Augustine; Braastad, Bjarne Olai; Erikson, Ulf Gøran; Haugen, Margaretha; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Hjeltnes, Brit Kristine; Krogdahl, Åshild; Källqvist, Torsten; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Mortensen, Stein Håkon; Næss, Bjørn; Olsen, Rolf-Erik; Rimstad, Espen; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Sundheim, Leif; Torrissen, Ole; Alexander, Jan (VKM Report, Research report, 2014) -
Comparison of organic and conventional food and food Production. Part III: Human health – an evaluation of human studies, animal models studies and biomarker studies
Haugen, Margaretha; Halvorsen, Ragnhild; Iversen, Per Ole; Mansoor, Mohammad Azam; Meltzer, Helle Margrete; Torjusen, Hanne; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Arukwe, Augustine; Bernhoft, Aksel; Bøe, Knut Egil; Dierkes, Jutta; Frølich, Wenche; Frøyland, Livar; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Krogdahl, Åshild; Källqvist, Torsten; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Lyche, Jan Ludvig; Næss, Bjørn; Skålhegg, Bjørn Steen; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Sundheim, Leif; Torrissen, Ole; Alexander, Jan (VKM Report, Research report, 2014) -
Comparison of organic and conventional food and food Production. Part IV: Human health – hygiene and pathogens
Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Kapperud, Georg; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Robertson, Lucy Jane; Tranulis, Michael A.; Yazdankhah, Siamak Pour; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Arukwe, Augustine; Bøe, Knut Egil; Eckner, Karl Friedrich; Haugen, Margaretha; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Krogdahl, Åshild; Källqvist, Torsten; Nesbakken, Truls; Nygård, Karin Maria; Næss, Bjørn; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Sundheim, Leif; Torrissen, Ole; Tryland, Morten; Alexander, Jan (VKM Report, Research report, 2014) -
Comparison of organic and conventional food and food Production. Part V: Human health – pesticide residues
Bjørge, Christine; Låg, Marit; Hetland, Ragna Bogen; Christiansen, Agnethe; Skretteberg, Lise; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Arukwe, Augustine; Bøe, Knut Egil; Bernhoft, Aksel; Eklo, Ole Martin; Grung, Merete; Haugen, Margaretha; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Klingen, Ingeborg; Källqvist, Torsten; Krogdahl, Åshild; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Næss, Bjørn; Ropstad, Erik; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Sundheim, Leif; Sverdrup, Line Emilie; Torrissen, Ole; Alexander, Jan (VKM Report, Research report, 2014) -
Risk assessment of marking and tracing methods with regards to the welfare of farmed salmonids. Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Mortensen, Stein; Kristiansen, Tore S; Mejdell, Cecilie Marie; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Agdestein, Angelika; Basic, Dean; Bergh, Øivind; Brun, Edgar; Bøe, Knut Egil; Das Neves, Carlos G; Godfroid, Jacques; Gudding, Roar; Hoel, Kristian; Rimstad, Espen; Hjeltnes, Brit (VKM Report, Research report, 2016) -
Risk assessment of marking and tracing methods with regards to the welfare of farmed salmonids. Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Kristiansen, Tore S; Uglem, Ingebrigt; Agdestein, Angelika; Basic, Dean (VKM Report, Research report, 2016) -
Risk assessment on import of Australian redclaw crayfish to Norway. Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Bergh, Øivind; Das Neves, Carlos G; Hindar, Kjetil; Høgåsen, Helga Rachel; Jelmert, Anders; Vrålstad, Trude; Agdestein, Angelika; Asmyhr, Maria Gulbrandsen; Basic, Dean; Brun, Edgar; Bøe, Knut Egil; Godfroid, Jacques; Gudding, Roar; Hoel, Kristian; Mejdell, Cecilie Marie; Mortensen, Stein; Rimstad, Espen; Hjeltnes, Brit (VKM Report, Research report, 2016) -
Risk assessment on welfare in turkeys. Opinion of the Panel of Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Hoel, Kristian; Agdestein, Angelika; Bøe, Knut Egil; Hansen, Magne; Janczak, Andrew M.; Bergh, Øivind; Brun, Edgar; Das Neves, Carlos G; Godfroid, Jacques; Gudding, Roar; Mejdell, Cecilie Marie; Mortensen, Stein; Rimstad, Espen; Hjeltnes, Brit (VKM Report, Research report, 2016) -
The use of light, restrictive feeding, fibrous feed and stocking density and the consequences for animal welfare for poultry species kept in Norway - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Bøe, Knut Egil; Grahek-Ogden, Danica; Hoel, Kristian; Gjøen, Tor; Godfroid, Jacques Xavier Leon; Janczak, Andrew Michael; Madslien, Knut; Olsen, Rolf-Erik; Rimstad, Espen; Øverli, Øyvind; Agdestein, Angelika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)